View Logs
Holy smokes! You just started this thing a few minutes ago and you've already got a real app deployed. Good job! Ok, what's next? Let's go ahead and find out how to look at our logs.
If you haven't already, go create a Zap with your shiny new app. This will generate some log data for us to look at. In your terminal execute
zapier logs --type=http
This will show you a bit of info on recent HTTP traffic to your API. If you want get more detailed info use
zapier logs --type=http --detailed
In your code you can use z.console.log("my debug message") to add your own debug messages, and check them with
zapier logs --type=console
For all of the commands in the CLI the help command is super useful to find out what options are available. Execute the following to see other things you can do with zapier logs
zapier help logs