
Zapier is a service that lets non-technical folks configure sophisticated integrations between the apps they use, and automate the workflows they do every day. A Zapier App is a way for you to make your API available to the Zapier platform, accessible by millions of users and able to connect with hundreds of other applications, instantly.

This tutorial assumes you have a little bit of familiarity with what a Zap is and the user's experience setting one up. If not, you might have a quick look at Zapier Basics to get some of the basics that will make this exercise make a ton more sense.

The Zapier CLI allows you to quickly create, test, deploy, and manage your app using tools your team is probably already familiar with. This guide will get you set up with everything you need and have you ready to code in minutes. From there our comprehensive developer guide will help you through every step of building a solid app for your API and creating a great experience for your users.